The plotters are an organized, hateful group of individuals that have been on a relentless pursuit to destroy Medical Medium and the community. In 2023, they were captured on calls that were legally recorded by Amber Vizzaccaro describing a sinister multi-step, long-term plot they had to create a "Post Medical Medium-Era."
Thus, we refer to this group as the plotters. Among them are the daughter of a multi-billionaire and well-known influencers in the health industry.
On recorded calls that are played in
The Plotter Podcast Series, one of the plotters referred to their group as being "in an elite category" and said that she had to "commit horrible acts" to get into the "inner inner circle" of it. In the process of trying to get what they want, the plotters have been-both publicly and privately-aggressively attacking, bullying, harassing, manipulating, and preying upon the chronically ill, which has caused a significant number of reports of psychological and even physical harm.